Mujeen Sung

Mujeen Sung

Assistant Professor of School of Computing
(Language and Data Intelligence Lab.)

Kyung Hee University


I am an assistant professor at School of Computing, KyungHee University, Republic of Korea. Prior to joining KyungHee University, I served as an applied scientist intern at Amazon Science in New York. I obtained my Ph.D. from the Data Mining and Information Systems Lab in the Computer Science department at Korea University. My research interests include Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning. I am particularly passionate about applying AI technologies to solve real-world challenges, especially in biomedicine and science. Lately, my research has been on knowledge extraction, information retrieval, and question answering.

  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Knowledge Extraction
  • Information Retrieval
  • Question Answering
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2023

    Korea University

  • BS in Computer Science, 2015

    Korea University

Recent Publications

(2024). CookingSense - A Culinary Knowledgebase with Multidisciplinary Assertions. In LREC-COLING 2024.

PDF Cite

(2023). Pre-training Intent-Aware Encoders for Zero- and Few-Shot Intent Classification. In EMNLP 2023.

PDF Cite Code

(2023). Optimizing Test-Time Query Representations for Dense Retrieval. In Findings of ACL 2023.

PDF Cite Code

(2022). BERN2 an advanced neural biomedical named entity recognition and normalization tool. In Bioinformatics 2022.

PDF Cite Code


Kyung Hee University
Assistant Professor
Kyung Hee University
March 2024 – Present Gyeonggi-do
Korea University
Postdoctoral Researcher
Korea University
October 2023 – February 2024 Seoul
Amazon Web Service
Applied Scientist Intern
Amazon Web Service
June 2023 – September 2023 New York
Amazon Web Service
Applied Scientist Intern
Amazon Web Service
June 2022 – September 2022 New York
General Electric
Software Engineer
General Electric
May 2018 – January 2015 Gyeonggi-do


The 1st Prize in the radiology report summarization task
News article
PhD Fellowship
The 1st Prize in the full text chemical identification task
News article
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation
Research Scholarship
The 1st Prize in the Biomedical Semantic QA task
News article


I am seeking talented and motivated students, including both graduate students and undergraduate interns, to join our lab. If you are interested, please email me.

  • 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
  • Room B6041, Woojungwon Building, Kyung Hee University